Sunday, July 14, 2024

2024 Summer Road Trip - Day 23-of-35 - July 14, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024 - When I was sitting at home in Manchester-by-the-Sea in the middle of winter, for today I planned ANOTHER HIKE - Crypt Lake Trail down in Waterton Lakes National Park:

To get to this "Hard, 11.7-mile loop trail", you have to take the "Crypt Hike Water Shuttle", which leaves Waterton Marine at 8:30 AM ($32). Waterton Marine is 1 hour 17 minutes from the Travelodge (64 miles):

Well, my body is finally catching-up from the past 48 hours, so I think today I'm just going to "Play Tourist" = see a National Park and see "the lay of the land":

Nice to see Crosstrek is out there, safe-and-sound at 9:30 in the morning:

I was pretty lazy today, but at 2 PM I was on my way down to Waterton Lakes National Park, which is just across the Canadian Border from Glacier National Park in Montana:

I reached Waterton Lakes National Park at 2:30

The town of Waterton Park has a nice outdoorsy vibe (not too touristy):

The Town, and the Visitor Center, are dominated by a beautiful mountain across the water:

Very nice, looking South to the U.S. of A.:

I was curious, so I found a blacktop road that goes up to a Lake ("Cameron Lake"):

So off I went - lovely road:

The burned trees are from the 2017 Kenow Wildfire:

I reached Cameron Lake at 3:40

Great views heading back down:

Back out on the "Prairie of Alberta":

So, I never really thought about what happens to those hay-bales, once they are tied-up and out there in the field. If this is how Alberta handles those hay-bales, this guy has A LOT OF WORK TO DO:

Fun going through Fort Macleod and seeing their community pool/water-slide:

In the town of Cowley we found another T-Rex, but we kept our distance:

Very nice going through Alberta at the end of the day:

It was 8:11 PM when I called it a day back at the Travelodge in Blairmore, Alberta. 242 miles today. Thank you God for these Great "Alberta" Adventures!

Music today:

Eddie Vedder - Into The Wild, 2007 debut solo album, last heard 9/27/2015 - I should have listened to this when I touched Alaska - I don't have many "Alaska albums" (?"Anchored Down In Anchorage" by Michelle Shocked?):

Dave Matthews Band - The Gorge (2 cds), recorded 2002, released 2004, last heard 9/28/2015. Ok - how many DMB live albums do I have? How many do I need?

Pearl Jam - Ten, 1991 debut album, last heard 9/28/2015 - Excellent Album:

Hothouse Flowers - Home, 1990 2nd album, last heard 10/03/2021 - i like this album a lot:

Prince - The Very Best Of Prince, 2001 greatest-hits album, last heard 10/07/2015:

various - Almost Famous, 2000 soundtrack album, last heard 10/08/2023. very good collection of songs from the early 1970s, including "Something in the Air" by Thunderclap Newman:

Past entries of this blog are available on the website

Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about Hiking the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire/Vermont/Maine/New York:
hyperlink: dixonheadingnorth

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