Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2024 Summer Road Trip - Day 0-of-35 - June 19, 2024

Wendy and I celebrated our 45th Wedding Anniversary earlier this month, so we have been spending a lot of time together (but NOT TOO MUCH TIME!!!) A year ago she applied for a 5-week Silent Retreat at Eastern Point Retreat House (in Gloucester), and SHE WAS ACCEPTED. It begins Saturday June 22 - which gives me 5 weeks for a Road Trip!!

I'm starting in northeast Canada, at the Saguenay River, visiting Saguenay Fjord National Park (inspired by Winslow Homer's "Shooting the Rapids, Saguenay River" at The Met in New York City):

I will then head west, visiting Parks and Post Offices, dipping down into Minnesota to visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Then back up into Central Canada. I have already taken the Trans-Canada Highway (Hwy 1), and I'm curious to see what it is like further north (Grand Rapids, Dixonville and Prince Rupert). A quick little step into Alaska (Hyder, AK), then back down to Bella Coola and the Canadian Rockies. A couple of days in Glacier National Park, then down into Colorado for a Memorial Service for one of Wendy's sisters who passed in January.

And then heading east, getting home Friday, July 26th. 35 days, 13,000 miles (I wonder How Many Albums?) - and don't forget Santana and Counting Crows in Syracuse, New York!!

Should be fun - come along for the ride!

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