Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fall 2016 - Day 18: Jackson, WY - St. John’s Episcopal Church - National Museum of Wildlife Art - Pinedale, WY/Elkhart Trailhead - Super 8 Green River, WY

Sunday, Oct 2, 2016 - Church in Jackson, then the National Museum of Wildlife Art, then south to go hiking in the Wind River Mountains, then south to Green River, Wyoming:

244 total miles today!

Petria officiated at the 8 AM Service, so it was fun seeing all three "churches" that she attends: The Chapel of Transfiguration yesterday, the main Church building for last night's concert, and St. John's Chapel for this morning's service. Scott, Wendy and I then headed a couple of miles north to the National Museum of Wildlife Art (opened at 9 AM), which has a very nice collection. Highlights include:

Robert Bateman - Chief, 1997

Albert Bierstadt - Elk Grazing in the Wind River, 1861

Georgia O'Keeffe - Antelope, 1954

Thomas Hill - Two Stags Battling, 1883

The Museum is on the hillside on the west side of the Jackson Valley and the National Elk Refuge. Needless to say, the views from the proch are magnificent:

To get down to Pinedale, you drive on 189 S/191 S in a canyon, back and forth across the Hoback River:

This is now one of my "Favorite Roads"!

In Pindale, go east up Fremont Lake Road - Fremont Lake looks pretty wonderful!:

Further up the road you get a GREAT VIEW of the Wind River Range:

And the view at the trailhead is pretty GREAT too:

Given the altitude - starting at 9,376 feet - we did a pretty good job with our 1.1 mile hike up Pole Creek Trail along Faler Creek:

Sure is pretty driving these roads in Wyoming:

Super 8 is just fine with me - clean and spacious:

I wanted to see Green River, Wyoming because Thomas Moran painted it often:

Green River Cliffs, Wyoming, 1881 [National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC]

Cliffs of Green River, 1874 [Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX]

Unfortunately it was cloudy and the sun was setting when we got there:

But we had a fun dinner at Peggy's Diner right next door:

FUN day hiking and driving and spending time with my wonderful wife! Thank You God for these wonderful adventures!

Music today was from my big iPod - trying "2nd Albums" today:

James Taylor - Sweet Baby James, 1970

Jackson Browne - Late For The Sky, 1974

my mistake - this is Jackson's 3rd album. We already listened to his second earlier this trip For Everyman

Lyrics: "Farther On"
And the angels are older
They know not to wait up for the sun
They look over my shoulder
At the maps and the drawings of the journey I've begun

Lyrics: "The Road and The Sky"
When we come to place where the road and the sky collide
Throw me over the edge and let my spirit glide
They told me I was going to have to work for a living
But all I want to do is ride

Garland Jeffreys - American Boy & Girl, 1979

(well, technically it is his third album, but it was the second I heard in New York City)

The Steve Miller Band - Brave New World, 1969

my mistake - this is The Steve Miller Band's 3rd album.

Cream - Disraeli Gears, 1967

Simon & Garfunkle - Sounds of Silence, 1966

Santana - Abraxas, 1970

Temperature-wise, it was 45º F at 7:45 AM - 72º F at 4:35 PM -

Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about Hiking the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire/Vermont/Maine (On Sept. 1, I joined Deede and Tad hiking Mt. Katahdin [Hunt Trail] - his final day on the AT!)
hyperlink: dixonheadingnorth

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