Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Maine - Ogunquit, Port Clyde and Monhegan Island

Tuesday/Wednesday, July 12/13, 2016 - Wendy and I were able to schedule a two-day break to visit Maine:

I wanted to see the Ogunquit Museum of American Art (Charles Woodbury paintings, Jamie Wyeth : Private Collection exhibition) and the Monhegan Museum (Alfred Thompson Bricher paintings); plus HIKE the beautiful island of Monhegan!

At Ogunquit, the three best works are:
Charles Woodbury - Winter Coast, Ogunquit, 1909

Jamie Wyeth - The Islander, 1975

(I think this is his best work - I had last seen it this past April down at the Brandywine River Museum.)

Jamie Wyeth - Island Roses, 1968

I think Wendy had a poster of this once-upon-a-time.

The Museum's backyard is WONDERFUL!!

Then lunch, and a few hours north to the charming village of Port Clyde:

(the view from my reading-chair at the Seaside Inn)

The next day - up bright and early to take the 7 AM boat to Monhegan Island!:

After 1+ hour, you land at the town dock on the west side of the island. The Island is 1/2 mile wide, and less than 2 miles long. My plan was to hike up and across the main green trail (Whitehead #1), then continue on #1 down along the coast, meeting Lobster Cove at the bottom. Then back up the main road to the town. A cup of coffee, and the Museum opens at 11:30. Then we will see what the rest of the day brings us.

Walking up from the dock:

that is Manana Island across the harbor.

It is a BEAUTIFUL VIEW from the lighthouse/museum area above the town:

The east side of the Island is RUGGED!!:
at Whitehead, looking north:

at Whitehead, looking south:

The path/trail is well-marked, and just needs a little bit of a weedwacker to trim the edges. GREAT Morning Hike!

On the south end of the Island there is a really cool shipwreck from 1948!

Now, who's going to clean all this up!

End of the hike!

We hiked 3.16 miles!

After lunch at The Barnacle, we hiked back up to the Museum. Although the Bricher paintings were not on display, they have many rooms of art-and-antiques:

and I was able to take a picture-in-a-book - Alfred Thompson Bricher - Rocks and Sea, circa 1890s

We were able to catch the 12:30 ferry back to the Maineland (ha ha - "Maineland" - get it?) Say Goodbye to Monhegan Island:

and then Home for Dinner! Thank you God for a wonderful couple of days of adventure!

I don't remember the music going up, but coming home I played:

The Clash - London Calling, 1979

an EXCELLENT album, and great to hear all the way through

U2 - The Unforgettable Fire, 1984

U2 - The Joshua Tree, 1987

Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about Hiking the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire (I have done 48-of-48 thru July 2016!!)
hyperlink: dixonheadingnorth

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