Friday, April 19, 2024

3 Days on the Road - Day 2

Friday, April 19, 2024 - Friday morning - up and at 'em, planning my trip today:

I wanted a "better breakfast" than the hotel was offering, so I went to a nearby Cracker Barrel - EXCELLENT choice:

Grabbed some Post Offices, and I got down to the Chrysler Museum of Art at noon:

I have been here 3 times before (2015, 2016 and 2019), but I think they have a great collection, and I'm going to see everything here today! There were several new paintings that I haven't seen before, plus many Wonderful Repeats. "Visiting a Museum to see Repeats" is a new way for me to think about this whole "art experience" - it is OK to revisit Wonderful Art in-person (as opposed to going to see it once just to check-it-off a list).

"New art today" include:

John Kensett - "Bash Bish Falls", ca. 1860 oil:

Giovanni Battista Piranesi - Le Antichità Romane (The Antiquities of Rome), 1784 [VEDUTA (double-page illustration)]:

"Repeats today" include:

Hubert Robert - "Landscape with a Temple", 18th century oil:

Jasper Cropsey - "The Old Mill", 1876 oil:

Asher B. Durand - "God's Judgment Upon Gog", ca. 1851-52 oil:

Albert Bierstadt - "The Emerald Pool", 1870 oil:

Thomas Cole's massive (8 1/2 feet x 15 1/2 feet) canvas - "The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds", 1833-34 oil:

As soon as I took that picture, the Chief Curator led a group of 6 people
He was talking about how The Chrysler has just finished complete restoration of this painting. Before acquiring it, it had been rescued from a fire in The Boston Atheneum; in the process-of-rescue, it had been rolled-up. Something crushed the roll, leaving 30 separate stripes-of-painting:

Of course I cannot leave without a couple of "compare photographs - old iPhone/new iPhone": Thomas Moran - "Venice", 1898 oil

There was also (thinking of Ellie) a fun fashion exhibition (their "Tenth Annual Wearable Arts Exhibition"):

This was my walk through The Museum:

I left at 12:45 - guess where I had lunch:

Grabbed some more Post Offices, and made my way north over/under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel:

I saw pretty flowers on Virginia's Eastern Shore:

The strangest thing I saw today was this van outside a Junk Shop in Exmore, Virginia - how on earth did they get that sign????
Going through Connecticut the next day, I made a point of looking, but I didn't see any signs missing on I-91.

After dinner-on-the-road, I arrived at Microtel Inn, Dover, Delaware at 8:30. I wound up driving 371 miles today, also picking up 52 Post Offices:

My 2 favorites for today are ZIP Code 23443 - Townsend, VA:
and ZIP Code 21841 - Newark, MD:

Thank You God for this wonderful art-and-adventure day!

Music for today:

The Yardbirds - Yardbirds Greatest Hits, 1967 greatest hits album:

Chick Corea Akoustic Band - Akoustic Band, 1989 1st album:

Chick Corea Akoustic Band - Alive, 1991 (I liked it so much I listened twice)

Pat Metheny Group - American Garage, 1979 2nd album (I liked it so much I listened three times)

U2 - Achtung Baby, 1991 7th studio album:

Modern English - After the Snow, 1982 2nd studio album:

The Rolling Stones - Aftermath [US], 1966:

Steely Dan - Aja, 1977 6th studio album:

Dire Straits - Alchemy: Dire Straits Live (2 cds), 1984 live double-album:

Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about Hiking the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire/Vermont/Maine/New York:
hyperlink: dixonheadingnorth

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