Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, ME

Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 - I'm heading west-to-95, then up to the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine today:

The Farnsworth is a familiar museum (this is my 5th trip), and they have THREE Exhibitions I wanted to see:

These Museum-Trips are Great "Date Opportunities", but unfortunately Wendy could not join me today.

My morning walk on Singing Beach was wonderful:

I made my way to Andover for misc. library work, and then up into Maine for lunch with Ardath! She has a new job with Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, and I got to see her office, before lunch across the street at C Salt Gourmet Market:

Sure is some beautiful country up here on Cape Elizabeth:

2 hours later I was up at the Farnsworth:

The first picture I saw is not by a Wyeth: Stephen Hanncock - "Luminous Lakes Below the Knife Edge, Mt Katahdin Maine (Mass MoCA #319)", 2020:
What Fun - I've hiked up Knife Edge!

And then it's "Off To The Wyeths" - I took photos of 18 by Andrew, 5 by his father N.C., and 3 by his son Jamie (plus 1 by Andrew & Jamie together). Highlights include:

Andrew Wyeth - "Lighthouse Lookout", 1978 watercolor:

Jamie Wyeth - "Rockland Light", 1960 watercolor:

Andrew & Jamie Wyeth - "Bell Tower", 1963 watercolor:

Newell Convers ("N.C.") Wyeth - "Lobsterman", 1927 oil:

Newell Convers ("N.C.") Wyeth - "The Harbor at Herring Gut", 1925 oil:

Newell Convers ("N.C.") Wyeth - "The Morris House, Port Clyde", c. 1937 oil:

I Really Dislike (is "hate" too strong a word?) the glass that is put in front of each picture. I get that "watercolors are fragile and sensitive", but the glass degrades the experience (kind of like Keith Jarrett squeaking during his piano-playing). Once-in-a-great-while, it might add something to the experience - here I am, as a ghostly presence in Andrew Wyeth's painting - "Room After Room", 1967 watercolor:

Back behind the Museum, across a street, is The Wyeth Center, which looks pretty cool in late-afternoon in December:

Andrew Wyeth - "Young Fisherman and Dory, Study for to the Westward", 1944 drybrush:

Andrew Wyeth - "Turkey Pond", 1944 tempera:

Andrew Wyeth - "Her Room", 1963 tempera:

The 4-hour drive home certainly had some "Beauty Shots" going down the Maine Coast:
Thank you God for this wonderful "Museum Adventure"! Home at a resonable hour.

Music for today:

Bill Morrissey - Night Train, 1993
This contains (maybe) his best song (of MANY Beauties) - "Birches". Tears every time. Thank you Bill.

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Hammersmith Odeon, London '75, recorded 1975, released 2006

Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst, 2008

Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, 1983 debut album

Dave Matthews Band - Listener Supported (2 cds), 1999 live album

David Bowie - Club Bowie: Rare & Unreleased 12" Mixes, 2003

Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about Hiking the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire/Vermont/Maine/New York:
hyperlink: dixonheadingnorth

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